About Us

RLJ Management Co., Inc. is an Ohio corporation headquartered in Columbus Ohio and has been in operation since 1984. Since that time, RLJ has primarily specialized in the management of apartment properties that offer affordable housing programs, most of which fall under the auspices of Federal and local housing authorities, and which are financed, subsidized, and/or insured with varying forms of government assistance. A significant portion of the portfolio has been developed with Low Income Housing Tax Credits. Currently, RLJ manages 200 properties containing 8,400 units.
A substantial portion of the portfolio managed by RLJ is owned by affiliates, this affords our management team a strong degree of stability as well as accountability. Our reputation has earned us management contracts from non-affiliated owners and not for profit boards that comprise thirty-two percent (32%) of our portfolio. RLJ has a long history of partnering with owners, sponsors, lenders, equity and service providers that have as their mission the development and management of high quality affordable housing communities.